
My name is Kelsi. I am a wife to Davis, the boy next door growing up and professional pilot. I am mama to Peyton, a brown-eyed spunky little girl who keeps us on our toes! This is our story.



Peyton Paige

Peyton Paige

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Little Update On Us

  • Davis found a job up in the Salt Lake area!!! He is going to be working for Merit Medical! My Aunt Jodi was so good to help get him the job! We are so excited for him to be closer to where we are living and having to only pay for one of us to commute! I just wish it wasn't me that had to keep making the drive! :)

  • We discovered what a weekend is this past week! Davis put in his two weeks at the begining of February at Rodizio Grill. He has been working at a restarant since we started dating (the first time :)) so we have never had weekends together! We ended up hanging out with his family on Friday night and then Curt and Cassie again on Saturday night! He kept saying how much he had been missing out on and how fun weekends are. I had to tell him not to expect this much fun every weekend! :) We are looking forward to being able to spend more time together and date nights!

  • We made our first large purchase as a married couple! We bought our first piece of furniture together! My mom made a joke of how we have to stay together now! Never thought it would be couches that sealed the deal! We were able to get a really good deal at RCWilley over the weekend and it came with tables and lamps too so we are pretty gosh darn excited!

  • I am still on the job hunt. I am getting very discouraged because I have only had one interview out of all the applications I've put in. I am trying to keep positive though, but if anyone knows of anything full time please let me know!

  • Our brother in law Paul comes home in two weeks!! He has been deployed for about 7 months now so we are ready to have him home! Bri and the kids have started the count down and they are so excited to go pick him up in Washington!

  • We were fortunate enough to be able to celebrate Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day! This was a first for us and we had so much fun! I am definetely one of those girls that loves the hallmark holiday (yes, even before I was married and had no one) and Davis made it really special for me of course! We went to see the movie The Vow. It was so cute and Davis even admitted it was good for a chick flick! After we went to Texas Roadhouse (our favorite) and had some chocolate strawberries for dessert! It was such a fun day!

  • Davis has been busy with school and flying and I have been busy finishing up my internship. I recently started volunteering at Primary Children's Medical Center and I absolutetly LOVE it! I hope to work their one day! It is such an amazing place.

Not a whole lot going on with us, but just some things that I want to remember! We are looking forward to our summer vacation to Anderson Island with my mom's side of the family! It cannot get here soon enough!

P.S. We got our hunger game tickets yesterday. . .March 22nd baby!

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