
My name is Kelsi. I am a wife to Davis, the boy next door growing up and professional pilot. I am mama to Peyton, a brown-eyed spunky little girl who keeps us on our toes! This is our story.



Peyton Paige

Peyton Paige

Friday, March 30, 2012

Becoming A Pilot

Becoming a pilot is frustrating! First you have to make sure that your instructor's schedule lines up with your schedule. This is why we left UVU. Even though they were expecting Davis to pay thousands and thousands of dollars they expected him to not have a job and be available 'whenever'. No income and a lot of outgoing money doesn't really work to well. . .Luckily we were able to find Leading Edge Aviation in West Jordan and they have been SOOO GOOD to work with him and his full time work schedule. He also is still able to take classes through UVU online and still graduate with his Bachelor's degree (this summer woot woot!) in Aviation. It has worked out very well. BUT. . .what else is frustrating is the weather and the fact that you just can't control it (darn it!). It seems like whenever he is scheduled to fly the weather is terrible. It is either too windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy. . .you name it, it always seems to happen when he is supposed to fly. But when he isn't scheduled to fly. . .wouldn't you know it! It is beautiful! This causes me to get frustrated and Davis trying to settle me down. I've tried to be patient with it, but it seems like it keeps happening over and over and over and over again. It wouldn't be a problem if we had all the time in the world and weren't trying to get all of his certifications and hours before next August. You see, it is prime time to get hired on by the airlines (thanks to all those baby boomers who are at retirement age) and will be until August 2013. The airlines are so desperate that they are cutting the required hours by more than half (kind of scary, but good for us!). So if any of you know how to control this dang windy weather that we have been having lately it would be greatly appreciated! I should just learn to look on the bright side of things. . .as soon as he finishes that means that he will just be taking me far, far away from my family. So i should just enjoy being here while I can right? (This was one of the reasons I kept breaking up with him SEVERAL times, because I knew I would most likely not be able to live by my family, but I quickly got over that once I realized I was madly in love with him and would die if I didn't spend the rest of forever with the boy :)) And anyone who knows my husband, knows that he is so passionate about flying! Like kid in a candy store or my family in Disneyland passionate! I have to support him with his dreams! And I am so glad that he LOVES (that is an understatement) what he does! I would hate for him to be stuck doing something he doesn't like. I feel so much better now! I know one day it will all be worth it! Have a great weekend :)


  1. Good luck with everything! I totally understand how you feel about moving far away from home! I broke up with Luke for the same reason back when we were dating. Funny how life works out, eh? Do you know where you guys are going? Good luck with Pilot Training.

  2. Thanks Marquette! I know everything will work out! We won't know where we will be for about another year. Then he will apply everywhere and take the best offer :) Congrats on your little girl! I saw on facebook this morning that you found out what you are having! That is so exciting!
