
My name is Kelsi. I am a wife to Davis, the boy next door growing up and professional pilot. I am mama to Peyton, a brown-eyed spunky little girl who keeps us on our toes! This is our story.



Peyton Paige

Peyton Paige

Monday, April 16, 2012

Just Us and A Weekend

VERY rarely do husband and I get time to just ourselves. Time when we aren't distracted by homework, flying, work, internship, family, friends, or television. Time when it is just him and I. This weekend we got some of that time. We went to the Pizza Pie, just the two of us, and spent hours just talking about this and that. I loved it. We both agreed that we need more 'us' time. It was wonderful and there were many laughs and conversations shared. Oh how I love that boy.

The rest of the weekend was good too! We had our date night on Friday. We first ran some errands, which included getting Dave some boots! He asked for money for his birthday so that he could purchase himself some boots. I think the obsession of wanting boots started back around October when he borrowed his brother's for Halloween. Ever since he has insisted that he must get some of his own. I've never seen him so excited to go shopping. He even insisted that I try on the two different pairs that he was deciding between. I must admit that he looks pretty cute in them. :) After that we decided to go use the last of our wedding money. . .yes we still had a gift card to K-Mart from our wedding a year and a half ago. We had to use it to get Beauty and the Beast before it goes back in the vault. After we went to Archibald's at Gardner Village. I always forget about this restaurant, but it is one of my favorite's. On Saturday we went to a bridal show with Curt and Cassie. I had to convince Dave to come, but I think he enjoyed it more than I did! They had so many free food samples that both Curt and Dave seemed to be in heaven. After we went to help my parent's paint their house. It is looking so good! That night we went out to a movie with my parents. I love date nights with mom and dad! I love weekends and wish they wouldn't go by so stinkin' fast!

1 comment:

  1. Keith and I still enjoying going out on dates with my parents :) Some of the best friends you can find!
