
My name is Kelsi. I am a wife to Davis, the boy next door growing up and professional pilot. I am mama to Peyton, a brown-eyed spunky little girl who keeps us on our toes! This is our story.



Peyton Paige

Peyton Paige

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The one where we spent a week on the Island Part 1

Oh boy oh boy!  Did we have ourselves a real good time on vacation!  We were able to go with my moms family to Anderson Island (off the coast of Washington) and had so much fun!  Here are way too many pictures from our trip, but we don't want to forget anything!  It was such a relaxing vacation and much needed!  It is hard to come back to reality after having no where to be for 12 days!  We were a little spoiled this vacation and probably took way more time off then we should have, but boy did we enjoy ourselves!

The Drive

We left on Wednesday night the 18th to head to Boise to stay at the Kingsbury's!  We were making pretty good time until we hit an accident.  We later found out that the reason for the HOUR AND A HALF WAIT!?!?  was because a diesel truck caught on fire!  Needless to say we thought it was the perfect opportunity for our first vacation photo shoot on the middle of the freeway!

Grandpa was fascinated by the technology of now days.  He couldn't believe that we were able to watch movies, listen to music through the car speakers off of the iPod and he was most fascinated by the GPS.  He sat there for several minutes watching it.  It was quite funny.  And we don't think twice about the technology we have!

Bremerton, Washington  

 Our next stop was Bremerton, Washington!  Before we went out to the Island we were able to stop and see Bri and the kids for a day!  We were bummed we missed Paul by a couple of days, but had a lot of fun with the kids!  The weather wasn't as good as we had hoped so we ended up having to come up with an inside activity last minute.  We went to Chuck E Cheese and then went bowling on the Navy Base afterwards!

Uncle Davis took on the task of winning the tickets.  He took it very seriously as you can see!
You can never get a picture of this girl with her eyes open!  Lil' stinker!  

Bowling!  This day made me especially excited to start a little family one day. . .Dave is so cute with the kiddos!

Ferry to Anderson Island

After that it was off to the Island!  I cannot even tell you how anxious and excited we were to get out to the Island!  

To be continued. . .
(I think 12 days of vacation deserves AT LEAST 2 posts)

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