
My name is Kelsi. I am a wife to Davis, the boy next door growing up and professional pilot. I am mama to Peyton, a brown-eyed spunky little girl who keeps us on our toes! This is our story.



Peyton Paige

Peyton Paige

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Peyton Paige : 6 Months

Happy 1/2 Birthday to this sweet girl!  How did she get to be so big?!?  She is getting more and more fun the older she gets and we fall more and more in love with her everyday!

Weight : 16 lbs 12 oz
Height : 26 inches
Clothes : 6 month & 6-12 month
Diapers : Size 2

This little one got her first bottom two teeth last month!  We thought we had pretty much figured out what this one likes and doesn't like but that all went out the window with teething!  But we got through it!  2 down, a lot to go!  She is in to everything and she does not like to hold still!  She loves to touch and feel everything!  My favorite is how she loves to touch your face and she loves to put her forehead up against your forehead.  It is the cutest.  We started her on some solid foods.  She absolutely loves her cereal, pears, applesauce, and strawberries but was not a fan of the bananas!  We gave her some squash for the first time the other night and she shuddered a few times but got through it. . .I would shudder too.  She loves to jabber and squeal and is very surprised by loud noises.  She loves little kids and could easily be entertained for hours on end whenever they are around.  She loves to read stories and loves when we sing songs.  Her favorite is the Itsy Bitsy Spider.  She goes crazy!  She is still so good to us in the sleeping department except for when those teeth are coming in.  We feel so blessed to have such a happy and healthy baby and we are so glad she chose us to be her parents!  We love you Peyt!    

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