
My name is Kelsi. I am a wife to Davis, the boy next door growing up and professional pilot. I am mama to Peyton, a brown-eyed spunky little girl who keeps us on our toes! This is our story.



Peyton Paige

Peyton Paige

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Here we go again!


Fall brings a lot of contention to the Van Wagoner home.  It is hard when one is a cougar and one is a ute.  I will be the first to say that I will cheer for the Utes when they aren't playing the Cougars so this year should be a pretty mellow year since the game has been canceled.  That doesn't mean I still won't get hassled at EVERY Van Wagoner family function.  If only I didn't care about football so much. . . .We will start the season off by cheering for the red tonight.  Husband is so excited he can hardly stand it.  I've never been to a Utes game.  I chose to wear black today.  That way I won't stick out like a sore thumb.  This does not make me a Ute fan. . .Go Cougars!  Our poor children. . .hopefully the rival will be completely dead by the time they can make decisions.  

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