
My name is Kelsi. I am a wife to Davis, the boy next door growing up and professional pilot. I am mama to Peyton, a brown-eyed spunky little girl who keeps us on our toes! This is our story.



Peyton Paige

Peyton Paige

Thursday, October 11, 2012

My husband. . .

Is the newest commercially certificated multi engine rated pilot in the state!  And I could not be more proud!
Dave has been working on his multi and commercial rating for the past few months.  Last night he finished his check ride and passed!  This is a huge deal in the airplane world!  I am so grateful to have a husband who works so hard and is doing something that he absolutely loves!  I know he was born to be in the air and I am so glad that he didn't let anything stop him from chasing after his dreams!  One more rating down only two to go until he is a Certified Flight Instructor and can start building hours to fly commercial!  Congratulations Dave!  I love you!    

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