
My name is Kelsi. I am a wife to Davis, the boy next door growing up and professional pilot. I am mama to Peyton, a brown-eyed spunky little girl who keeps us on our toes! This is our story.



Peyton Paige

Peyton Paige

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Life Lately

. . .or life the last few months!  We have been busy enjoying this stage in our lives and we are loving every second of it!  We have been so extremely blessed over the last few months and been having the time of our lives!  Here is a little bit of what we have been up to. . .

In March we were able to go on a cruise to the Caribbean with Curt and Cassie!  We have been trying to plan a trip with them so we had to make sure to fit it in before baby girl comes!  It was such a relaxing trip with such fun people!  We agreed that it definitely needs to happen more often!  This trip deserves a blog of its own so more to come . . . 

The Monday after we got back we had our ultrasound!  My mom was able to come with us to hear the exciting news!  We gave everybody else a scratch card for our gender reveal!  I thought all along that we were having a little boy!  So much for a mothers intuition!  Dave thought it was a little girl and he was right!  She was being very shy and it took the ultrasound tech what seemed like forever to tell us what Baby V would be but luckily we were able to find out!  Definitely one of the happiest days of our lives.  Everything else looked and measured perfectly!  We were so grateful to see a healthy baby!  I just can't stop thinking of how fun it is going to be to watch Dave with her.  She will definitely have Dave wrapped around her finger!  

In April we celebrated Dave's 26th birthday!  We did a whole lot of nothing on his actual birthday because he had his CFI test the next day. . .but we did manage to celebrate later in the week!  So thankful for this guy and love any reason to celebrate him!

The next day Dave took his Certified Flight Instructor test and he PASSED!  This is a huge test that covers pretty much anything and everything he has ever been taught throughout his aviation schooling.  A lot of times pilots get their CFI so that they can instruct aviation students for a living while building flight time for their commercial career.  Getting paid to fly vs. what we've been doing the past few years, paying to fly. . .sign us up!  It was such a huge accomplishment and I could not be more proud of him!  For those who read our blog you know that the aviation world has a way of not going as planned.  We needed several things to fall into place for this test to take place.  We were very humbled and very grateful that everything was able to work out!  We felt extremely blessed and so thankful that Dave was able to pass on his first try!  

At the beginning of April we bought a house!!  We had been looking at houses since February and knew we wanted to be somewhere in the south end of the valley.  It seemed like we would find something, put an offer on it and be up against 10 other people.  Needless to say we never were able to get what we thought we wanted.  Our Realtor suggested looking at town homes and in the beginning we weren't to fond of the idea.  We decided to look at them so we didn't get discouraged and it ended up being the best thing!  It helped us realize how perfect it would be these next few years while Dave is busy time building and instructing.  We were able to find a lot in Herriman and able to make all the selections for our home.  We drive out to look at it every few days and cannot believe how fast it is coming along!  We know buying a home wouldn't even be possible if we hadn't been able to live in my grandparents basement the last year and a half to save.  We are so thankful we were able to do so and so excited to have a place of our own to bring home baby girl to!  

Speaking of baby girl. . .she is growing like a weed!  And therefore so am I!  I honestly wonder how she will fit inside me in the end and then people tell me I am small for when I am due!  The summer heat may kill me and my feet may look like marshmallows but it is all going to be worth it!  We just think she has the cutest little profile!  We cannot wait to meet her!  So far everything is looking great and the doctor said I am right where I should be.  Only 14 more weeks!  

Also, baby girl is already spoiled!  Grandma Jules has made sure of this!  She is going to be the best dressed baby out there!  At least for the first three months of her life!

1 comment:

  1. Fun to catch up! And I sure hope baby girl needs a boyfriend, cause I'll have one for her :)
