
My name is Kelsi. I am a wife to Davis, the boy next door growing up and professional pilot. I am mama to Peyton, a brown-eyed spunky little girl who keeps us on our toes! This is our story.



Peyton Paige

Peyton Paige

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Meet Brad

This is Brad with his wife Diondra. They were both so nice and so much fun! Brad had us all laughing the whole night. It is funny to find the connections we have with them. Diondra is my age and went to Bingham high school. We knew some of the same people and she grew up with some friends of friends. Small world!

My Grandma was fascinated with Brad all night long. Because of her dementia we weren't really able to explain to her who he was, but a part of me thinks she knew.

We were sad that the Kingsbury's weren't able to make it down for Thanksgiving, but hopefully they will be able to meet him another time! It was so fun to meet both of them and get to know them! Love you guys!


  1. Kelsi I so didn't know you had a blog!! Shoot, I would have been more up to speed with everything going on with you guys. Your comment was so nice on my last post. Thank you so much! I was so excited to find this blog & see the fam & hear about the meeting with Brad. How awesome for you guys to meet him. He is so handsome & seems so nice. Yay! Our fam was wondering all day about you guys. How fun that you get to be back in Riverton! I'm not going to let that stop me from asking you to babysit though :)

  2. Mickell! We want to babysit for you again so please call us! We miss those kiddos! It was so fun to meet him! Hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving!

  3. Kels...this is such a cool post! I loved it!
