
My name is Kelsi. I am a wife to Davis, the boy next door growing up and professional pilot. I am mama to Peyton, a brown-eyed spunky little girl who keeps us on our toes! This is our story.



Peyton Paige

Peyton Paige

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The one where we went to St. George for my 23rd birthday

 The hubby and I went down to St. George and 105 degree weather last weekend to celebrate my birthday. It was so much fun to get away just the two of us!  We went and saw Aladdin at the Tuacahn Theatre, did a lot of shopping and laying by the pool, and enjoyed the time off of work!  Thanks for such a fun weekend Dave!  You spoiled me way too much as usual!  

After our three days of fun in the sun we came home to a party at my parents house!  Thanks mom and dad!  

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