
My name is Kelsi. I am a wife to Davis, the boy next door growing up and professional pilot. I am mama to Peyton, a brown-eyed spunky little girl who keeps us on our toes! This is our story.



Peyton Paige

Peyton Paige

Friday, August 17, 2012

The one where we spent a week on the Island Part 2

The People

First things first.  Let me introduce you to the family.  There are 17 of us.  Luckily the house slept 16.  Korbyn referred to himself as chopped liver because he ended up being the only one on the floor.    
Armstrongs (My moms sisters family)
Glade, Sam, Jodi, Alex
Kingsburys  (My moms brothers family)
Connor, Chan, Kylie, Marie, Jeff
Keaton, Kaela, Mom, Dad, Korbyn
Van Wagoners : My moms daughter :)
Me and Husband
Not sure where Grandpa K was for this one. . .

The Restaurant

After we made it to the island we made our way to the only restaurant on the island to eat some food!  Go figure. . .the first thing we do is eat.  Food is very important to our family! 

The Zip Line

The highlight of the trip this time was the rope swing!  EVERYONE ended up going on it including my grandpa and aunt Jodi who just had had surgery.  Fun times were had on this zip line!

Activities on the Island

 Many walks and hikes
 Farmers Market
 The Lake
 MANY very random photo shoots
Impromptu zumba class on the side of the road since they decided to cancel the real one
I'm not sure if this needs a caption . . .

Our Last Day on the Island

Before we left we decided to take some family pictures.  They turned out pretty good for not being planned!

Oh what a fun trip.  Until next time Anderson Island. . .

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