
My name is Kelsi. I am a wife to Davis, the boy next door growing up and professional pilot. I am mama to Peyton, a brown-eyed spunky little girl who keeps us on our toes! This is our story.



Peyton Paige

Peyton Paige

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Hospital Days & A Name

I delivered at St. Marks Hospital and although it was quite the drive (passing 5 hospitals on our way there) they were so good to us!  We rather enjoyed our stay at the hospital.  It was like a little vacation before real life settles in.  We were able to just enjoy our baby girl.  And we loved all of the visitors!  We were there from Wednesday night until Saturday afternoon.

The nurses kept coming by to ask for our paperwork with her name everyday we were there.  We struggled with choosing a name for this little girl.  My friend Danielle gave us the idea to put the two names in a hat that we were deciding between.  Then she told us to ask ourselves what name we would be disappointed by if we pulled it out.  Late Friday night, after all the visitors had left, we decided on Peyton Paige.  We were able to turn in our paperwork just before we left on Saturday.  Now I can't imagine her name being anything else.  It fits her so perfectly.  Peyton wasn't even on the list until a couple weeks before the hospital.  And Paige was always going to be her middle name.  At one point we even thought about using is for her first name.  Paige is my sister Kaela's middle name.  I want my kids to have middle names and I want them to have meaning to them.  I couldn't think of a better person for little miss to be named after.  

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