You were born on August 8, 2013. Your due date was August 10, 2013, which is your cousin Mason's birthday, and it was important to me that you had your own birthday! For weeks I thought how perfect a day 8.8.2013 would be for a birthday! The day before I had my usual weekly doctor's appointment and Dr. Faircloth decided that since I had been 80% effaced for weeks and not dilating that I could have the option to be induced. She called St. Marks hospital and scheduled for us to go in that night and get started on a low dose of pitocin. She told us she would be in in the morning to break my water. We were so excited! It seemed like for the first time it was real! We called our family and told them the exciting news then stopped at grandma and grandpa Baucom's so that dad and grandpa Bill could give mom a blessing. I remember being so nervous to give birth, but after I received a priesthood blessing I was so calm about it. I knew that I was going to be just fine and that you would get here safe and sound. We left for the hospital around 9:00 that night. That night was long and uneventful. The next day we waited for our doctor to come break my water. We waited and waited and waited. Finally our nurse was able to find out that our doctor had delivered some babies that morning that were not doing well so she wouldn't be able to come for a while. We decided to just have the on call doctor break my water to get things started and boy did they start! It seemed like the contractions started immediately after my water was broke! I asked for an epidural VERY quickly and the rest was all down hill! At around 3:30 PM that day I was finally fully effaced and dilated and it was time to start pushing! We said goodbye to our family and started some practice pushing with the nurses. You were coming so fast that the nurses said no more pushing until the doctor got there! You were born at 4:29 PM after 45 minutes of pushing. You came out with your little hand up by your face and a full head of dark hair. They laid you on my chest and your dad and I started crying. You were so perfect and we loved you instantly. You weighed 8 lbs 8 oz and were 19 inches long.
Right before we left for the hospital. Last picture pregnant!
This picture was taken AFTER the epidural. Best thing ever!
And then we waited . . .
And waited. . .
And waited. . .
8 lbs 8 oz . . .this was a BIG surprise! The doctor kept telling me you would be around 7lbs. She wasn't quite sure where you were hiding!
First picture as a family of 3!
That night your dad was able to give you a bath. You hated all of it except for when your hair was being washed. You loved that part!
We are so glad you made it here safe and sound. We love you more than we ever thought possible baby girl.
Ahhhhhhh!!!! Love it! This makes me SO excited for next week! Love you guys!