
My name is Kelsi. I am a wife to Davis, the boy next door growing up and professional pilot. I am mama to Peyton, a brown-eyed spunky little girl who keeps us on our toes! This is our story.



Peyton Paige

Peyton Paige

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My sister texted me the other day. . .

My sister texted me the other day. She doesn't have a big head at all:
Me: When are you coming home?
Sister: Hopefully Friday Morning!
Me: Oh good! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!
Sister: It's understandable. I'm a very liked person.
College has done her good. For Christmas last year she gave me and husband a picture of the three of us and put a sign on the frame that said "All Because Three People Fell in Love". Ever since then we have had an on going joke that she is 1/3 of our marriage. She came home a few weeks ago and ended up leaving with Davis' debit card in her wallet. We called her to ask her if she had it and Davis made sure to let her know that just because she was 1/3 of our marriage doesn't mean she had a right to a 1/3 of our money. Not that a 1/3 of our money would be that much. I'm so excited to see her, and get our debit card back, even if she knows she is a big deal.


  1. She is a big deal :) All of you are! Love you guys and love when you blog! Spent the day with your momma....nothing better than a day with a Baucom :)
